A design compeition that all the seniors vote on

Expo Design
The design for each expo is a competitive process. Seniors in both sections submit individual designs and both classes vote on the most successful one for marketing the event. Posters, postcards and social media ads are created with the chosen design. This year, Carol Sung's design won the competition.

Carol Sung
My name is Carol Sung, and I have been pursuing my passion for Interaction Design at Farmingdale State College's Visual Communications Department for the past four years. When I first began exploring colleges in 2019, I was determined to find an institution within the state that offered a comprehensive Interaction Design program. After countless hours of searching, I was exhilarated to discover that Farmingdale State College offered it.
Throughout my academic journey, I have had the honor of learning from some of the most creative, supportive, and passionate professors and students. This has allowed me to develop my skills and expand my knowledge in various areas of Interaction Design. Additionally, I have been given numerous opportunities to work on challenging projects, build my portfolio, and collaborate with other students, all of which have contributed to my growth as a designer.
Winning the poster design contest for the Senior Project Design Expo 2023 was a defining moment for me. I was proud to represent the Interaction Design program and demonstrate our ability to design visually in addition to conducting research and creating user experiences. While designing the poster, I was determined to showcase both Graphic Design and Interaction Design. I drew inspiration from trendy UI elements, which led me to incorporate the use of 3D shapes, text, and gradients. By utilizing geometric shapes and bold colors, I aimed to capture the excitement, boundless possibilities, and future of design.
To the graduating class of 2023, congratulations on achieving this significant milestone. I cannot wait to see where our paths will lead us as we continue to supporting one another on our professional journeys.